They mainly attack Pac-People by biting them despite many having no visible teeth, covering them in slime or eating them alive (according to the Atari 2600 manual of Pac-Man). However, ghostly animals appear to still somewhat resemble their living animal forms unlike Ghostly Pac-People. It appears that the majority of ghosts are former Pac-People, but usually bare no resemblance to their living selves, and apparently they come in a wide variety of colors and types apart from the usual standard ghostly appearance, with some appearing gigantic, cycloptic, octopus-like or etc, and it appears that they may be able to freely change between these forms depending on their moods and personalities, a likely benefit of no longer being restricted by physical forms. With proper seasoning, their food can be made edible to Pac-People. Blinky has even admitted to passing gas on one occasion, which, sad to say, dramatically improved the smell of their food. The fact that they have things such as sewers and sewage implies they still need to expel bodily waste products like Pac-People. They also do not appear to have a very good diet, with much of their "food" appearing to be made up mostly of inedible and gross muck like garbage, worms, body parts and other unidentifiable substances and slimy goo, however, due to being spiritual entities without organs, these substances do no permanent harm to them. In the Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures animated series and games, the Ghosts are portrayed as spectral ectoplasmic entities with the common ghostly traits of being semi-intangible, being able to levitate and can leave trails of ectoplasm on living beings. However, they had a few ghostly traits such as being able to levitate.

In the original games and cartoon, the Ghosts were originally portrayed as monsters that wore cloaks and are considered being tangible, as well as having feet that can only be seen visibly under their cloak. Several varieties of Ghosts as seen in Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures.