suddenly I'm surrounded by bunnies! One even swam up to me from the water, but it had no legs! I fell outta my chair in surprise and all the bunnies scurried off! I want that bunny fish as a pet, so you better catch it for me! Pronto! Out in the forest, I was fishing right? Well guess what! A bunny hopped up to me! Then another one hopped up, and another. The subterranean jungles of have the weirdest things! Like, there's this fish I saw that looked just like a giant bumblebee! I'm allergic to bees, so you have to catch it for me! I bet it'd taste like a tuna and honey sandwich! Ow! Don't get near me! I got stung by a Bloody Man-O-War! In case you're not smart enough to know what that is, it's the most menacing jellyfish in all of ! Go to that rotten crimson and catch it if you dare! Normally I could care less if I see fishbones floating in the water underground, but this one was swimming! What, you thought that only human skeletons still flailed about in ? Get it for me so I can stick it in someone's bed! Na na na na na na na Bat-FISH! That means go digging underground, fetch it, and bring it to me! I found this spectacular place draped in giant glowing mushrooms! Everything was blue! I was picking some of the mushrooms I found next to a glistening blue lake, when one of the mushrooms snapped at me and swam away! I want to give it a taste of its own medicine, and give it a good chompin'! What I mean is, you gotta get it for me!ĭid you know there's magical islands that float up high in the sky? Bet you didn't! They say angels live in the sky, and I believe those angels have fins and gills and swim around! I believe you must catch one for me! All players in a Multiplayer game will have the same quests. Angler Rewards can be gained at any time and must be completed before 4:30am. Placing a Quest Fish in a Chest, Piggy Bank, or Safe seems to allow for more Quest Fish. While a Quest Fish is in a character's inventory, another quest fish cannot be caught in the same biome (Not true for Mobile) (needs confirmation). When the Angler gives a quest, logging out and back into that world appears to reset the day's quest. Quest Item Fish can be gained without first talking to the Angler. Many things can be gained from fishing, including a boss summoning. States that add a bonus/penalty to fishing power When fishing, the maximum fishing power is 150% and max lava fishing power is 145%. The amount of blocks of water in total will determine how likely you will pull up a good fish.

Then it calculates how many blocks of liquid there are underneath each of those blocks. The game calculates how many blocks are in the body of water you are fishing in by first checking how many blocks of liquid there are to the left and right. Being damaged in any way does not retract the line. Grappling, dashing, flying, swimming and other movements are all allowed, but only to a distance of monster spawning. Performing any action other than movements will retract the line. Left clicking any time after casting will retract the line. Fishing in various biomes and with different baits will result in catching different rewards. Fishing from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM incurs a -20% penalty, and a new moon is -10%.
Rain adds another +20%, and a full moon another +10%. The best times to fish are from 4:30 AM - 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM. The Golden Fishing Rod cannot catch fish in lava. Fishing potions help at times of the day or moon phases when there is a penalty to fishing skill. Only the Hotline Fishing Hook can fish in lava.

Nothing will be caught if the character is standing in water, whether it be the same waterhole the character is fishing in or a different pool. In honey, the minimum is 50 and the maximum is 200. Quest fish can still be obtained with water sizes less than 200 and more than the minimum. To avoid getting junk, the pool of water from which you fish needs to be at least 200 blocks in size. The water being fished must be about 75 tiles. Waiting too long to pull will retract the line with nothing. Left clicking immediately will retract the line, potentially with a reward. While the line is in the water, and the character has " Bait" in their inventory, the line will eventually get a "tug" (slight movement of the float and a sound effect) indicating that the character has caught something.